Friday, February 25, 2011

WIll I

     Shamequa Johnson, Shamequa Johnson.
      Here I am.
     Girl, do you know how long I've been calling your name?
     I'm sorry ma'am.  I just got lost again.  That's been happening a lot since...
    Oh, I know.  Don't worry about it child and follow me.
     What will you be doing?
     Says here you think you're pregnant.
     Yes ma'am.
     Well,  we're gonna find out for sure.
     What are you gonna do?
     You're gonna pee in this cup, then I'll have to take a little blood so go on in there.

     Here ya go.  Will gettin' my blood hurt?
     No, just sit here and relax.

     See now that wasn't so bad was it?
     No.  What's next?
     We'll run a quick test for ya.
     I've just been so scared since Jamal and me....
     I know honey.   You want to talk about it?
     I just seen a big billboard as I was walkin' here just now.
     The one talking about girls like you?
     Yeah, it said the most dangerous place for an African-American baby is in its momma's womb.  What does that mean?
     Oh sugar, don't worry about that sign.  Them people just tryin' to scare you.  You're in the right place.  You're not the only one this has ever happened to and it's for sure you ain't gonna be the last.
     What do you mean?
     Honey, 60% of the girls like you in this city come here.  We'll take care of everything.  It's your body.  You deserve your freedom.
     I don't want no baby.
     I know honey.  We'll take good care of that.  Just go in here and sit while we check your tests.

     Shamequa,  we have your results.  Come on back, child.
     What what does it say?
     Honey we'll talk back here.  Sit down.
     What does it say.  I'm pregnant.  I just know it.
     Honey you knew that before you walked in here today.
     Yeah,  I guess.  I was just hopin'....  What am I gonna do?
     Honey I told you.  We'll take care of everything.  Girl your age needs to be free.  You don't need to have the burden of carryin' no baby with you every where you go.  You need to enjoy life, have fun.
     What about that sign?  What if I don't have no money?
     Honey I done told you.  Those people are just tryin' to scare you.  Ain't nothin' gonna happen to you.  You can thank Roe and the Supremes for that.  Besides it's ok if you don't have money.
      What are you talking about Roe & the Supremes?
      You know honey,  when we won the the right.  It's our body.  The court said we can do with it whatever we see fit.  You're too young to be burdened by a baby.  We'll take care of everything.
     I don't have no money.  How much this gonna cost?
     Honey, we got that taken care of too.  This is legal.  The Supremes say so, so we got plenty of money for girls like you.

     Alright Shamequa, we're ready for you now.  Come on back and you'll be out living your own life again very soon and you won't have to worry about a thing.
     Are you sure everything's gonna be alright?
     Honey, The Supremes gave you this right way back in 1973.  You deserve to do with your body what you want to.  You're too young to worry about havin' a baby.  Let's get you ready.
     All right I'm ready.

     See, Shamequa that didn't take so long.  Now you go on out there and have some fun like a girl should
     Ok.  I guess I don't have anything to worry about no more.     Will I?

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